We made it!!! Bit of delay but our team bonding throughout the process was priceless. Sunday we arrived in Colombia and were greeted by some excited McCollums and a happy Carrie Bergmann. We drove to the house and settled in, toured the school and had a super bowl party at the McCollums, but we only made it to halftime before people started getting a little crazy and we knew it was time to get some sleep. Today we kicked off the work projects at the school. One team worked on the alarm system, which was interesting since the directions were all in Spanish:) But Ken, Gordon, Ronnie and Tom were able to string most of the wires and made a great alarm team. Getting dirty was the gardening team: Stan, Rachel, Shealyn, and Jeff. They transplanted a variety of plants, shoveled rocks, and cleared out some garden beds for new plants. And our traveling team: Tino and Tyler went out to the missionaries apartments to fix some of their maintenance issues...they may have flooded a bathroom too ;) It was a busy day but we have been laughing since Ken's accidental wake up alarm at 3:30am (Jeff- cough, cough) and it is almost 9pm and we are still all hysterical. Blame it on the altitude. God has blessed us with a productive day, new relationships, and quality Christian fellowship. We would appreciate prayer for: Our two big plants we transplanted and that they would still be alive tomorrow. (They were looking rather droopy when we left). The alarm system as there are many details and technicalities. And our special dinner tomorrow night, as we are dividing into groups of two's and having dinner with four ECA (El Camino Academy) families. Pray that we would be taken out of our comfort zones and be shining lights for Christ in the homes we eat in, as well as wherever we are: Colombia, the United States, etc... Thanks again for all your prayers and may you too be shining Christ's light.
loving the pictures! Glad to see all the smiles! :))