Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Food, food, food...maybe some more food and quality Colombian bonding time.

Why so much food today? Here are the juicy details from today's food-filled day. We kicked off this morning by traveling to the school early to have breakfast with the board of El Camino. During our Colombian breakfast we heard about the history of the school from the director, Beth Afanadors. We all agreed her passion for the school was evident and encouraging. Next, we got to work around the school. Thanks for the prayers for our two transplanted plants, as they looked much better today! The gardening team kept at it today but Jeff and Tyler (the father-son duo: also known as Big Jeff and Little Jeff) worked hard mixing cement and filling a wall for another garden bed. They also did a little painting in their spare time ;) Tino did a little bit of everything and as Stan pointed out tonight, we are blessed to have a Spanish speaker on our team. The alarm team kept at it today and made progress. Thanks for all the prayers! And during all these projects came our daily "onces," which means 11 in Spanish. Around 10-11 am the kitchen staff have a delicious snack for us...snack doesn't do it justice because it is basically another meal! And this happens TWICE a day. The second one occurs in the afternoon. Well, it was a lot of food but the gardening team will attest that all that hard work burns a lot of energy so the food is needed. They worked on a garden bed today that was quite a beast but it is starting to turn into a beauty. Finally, we all rushed home to the mission house to shower before leaving to dinner with assigned families from the school. The stories that came back from these experiences were very encouraging. Ken said he was so excited for the dinner tonight and he was not disappointed. God is at work in these families lives and tonight gave us a small glimpse at that. And save the best for last: More Prayer requests: Open eyes and hearts as some of our team goes to experience a ministry dedicated to those with disabilities and one that works with street children. Also, for Rachel as she teaches the Bible lesson in Carrie Bergmann's 3rd grade class and spends time in the classroom. And continued relationships with everyone we work/encounter at the school. God is good all the time. He has already answered prayer requests and the laughter is still coming! Stay tuned :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tino for the reminder to check out the blog! Looks like the team is getting lots done and learning about the academy. God bless you all and keep you safe!
